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Gender, Participation and Silence in the Language Classroom: Sh-Shushing the Girls

Published in 2003 and now in its second printing, Gender, Participation and Silence in the Language Classroom: Sh-Shushing the Girls is a personal account of Dr. Jule’s ten month study of one grade-two English language learning classroom at a Canadian Punjabi Sikh school where all the students share a Punjabi Sikh heritage. Dr. Jule taped and transcribed teacher-led discussions that revealed the boys occupied more linguistic space (used more words) than the girls by a ratio of 9:1 and sometimes 10:1 (boys: girls).

The book examines how it is that the girls’ silence may have something to do with the construction of gender roles within the classroom and something that emerges as a result of teacher methods. That both gender and ethnicity can be constructed inside a language classroom is “an intuitive truth” that Dr. Jule believes needs to be explored in as many ways as possible and better debated among language educators.


Allyson Jule: Speaking up: Understanding Language and Gender


From slut-shaming to the allegedly shrill voices of female politicians, from vocal fry to online misogyny, the language women use (and the language used about them) is as controversial as it has ever been. Our language use and our gender have an enormous impact on the way we understand ourselves and the world around us, and the way we are treated by society. Using the latest academic research, Allyson Jule tackles some of the most pressing issues facing feminism today, including how language use and related ideas about gender play out in the home, workplace and online. It turns out that many popular ideas about gender and language are more complicated than they first appear. This book will change the way you think about language, and give you the tools to challenge the world around you.

Author Biography

Alexandra Madarászová

Born in 1993, she is a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Prague and is currently a doctoral student in the field of International Political Relations. Her research is focussed on feminism and gender, globalisation and actors in international relations. She is highly familiar with topics of technological innovations in connection to international security as well.


The Compassionate Educator

Understanding Social Issues in Canadian Schools

In this edited collection, respected professor and scholar Allyson Jule brings together leading academics to discuss the evolution of student diversity in contemporary Canadian classrooms. This book explores a wide range of student complexities, including matters such as mental health, Indigenous education, queer education, youth radicalization and extremism, disability, religious practice, ESL, and refugee student support.


This book equips teachers with the foundation needed to build a classroom that unpacks the social fabric of individual student and classroom populations from a place of deep understanding and compassion.


Using a student-centered methodology, readers learn how to navigate difficult situations in the classroom with empathy and consider the distinct lived experiences that inform students’ actions in school. Encouraging critical reflection and a deeper understanding of diversity, this insightful and applicable resource is ideal for students in teacher education programs and for practicing educators across Canada.


Being Feminist, Being Christian: Essays from Academia

The eight essays presented in this unique collection explore various intersections of feminism, feminist theory and practice, and Christian tradition as it is lived out in the lives of Christian academics. The basic question here is “Can a person be a Christian and a feminist at the same time?” The answer explored here is – yes! Current thinkers explored the working out of seeming contractions.


This collection is unique in its gathering of Christian perspectives from both Catholic and Protestant traditions. Much feminist scholarship is thought to be antithetical to Christianity. This book explores questions and issues that arise when people of faith encounter feminism in both public, private, and personal domains.



Blessed Mother or Material Mom: Which Madonna Am I?

Christian Feminist or Feminist Christian: What’s Feminism Got to Do with Evangelical Christians?

Silence and Feminine Morality: A Look at Performances of Gender in Two Theology Classrooms

In Search of Bodily Perspective: A Study of Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray

Two Women Speaking “Woman”: The Strategic Essentialism of Luce Irigaray and Phoebe Palmer

Speaking Out: Feminist Theology and Women’s Proclamation in the Wesleyan Tradition

Nascent Christian Feminism in Medieval and Early Modern Britain

Biblical Literalism and Gender Stability: A Christian Response to Gender Performance Theory–Chris Noble


Facing Challenges: Feminism in Christian Higher Education and Other Places

This book is a collection of ten essays, all focused on the realities of conducting feminist work within Christian universities and colleges, as well as churches. The purpose of this collection emerges from the contributors lives at the intersection of feminist ideas and the Christian contexts in which they work.


The books focus is on the ways in which feminism continues to meet resistance from Christian institutions and communities. Within these contexts, the authors describe the ongoing challenges they face as feminists with their students, their colleagues, their pastors, their fellow congregants, their peers, and their own families. Scholars, clergy, students, and readers interested in understanding feminism more deeply, and interested in the intersection of religion, feminism, and scholarly life will find this collection invaluable. Readers will find insights into the everyday feminist work of academics, the development of more inclusive student-life climates, feminist learning in college classrooms, and the obstacles to creating more inclusive Christian churches.


These essays are honest, heartfelt, and helpful in envisioning more liberating paradigms and practices for feminist Christians who continue to negotiate current realities in integrating feminism with faith in many contexts.

Shifting Visions: Gender and Discourses

This collection of research studies explores recent work in the area of gender and language around the world. Featuring an interdisciplinary and global approach, its contributors demonstrate This collection of studies explores recent research in the area of gender and language use experienced around the world. Featuring an interdisciplinary and global approach, the contributors demonstrate how focus on gender and language creates the lived experience. The studies in this book use gender and language to analyze a broad range of topics including religion, politics, education and sexuality.


Contributions include the use of language of a new female bishop in Canada, heteronormativity in language use in Croatia, women’s magazines in Japan, and the electoral code in Cameroon. Using critical/feminist discourse analysis, the chapters represent scholarship from Britain, Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. Readers in applied linguistics, sociology, women’s studies and education who are interested in language and its power in creating the lived experience will find this book full of intriguing and illuminating connections.


Beginner’s Guide to Language and Gender

A Beginner’s Guide to Language and Gender offers a broad and accessible introduction to the study of gender and language use for those new to the subject. The book introduces the theoretical and practical perspectives, including relevant frameworks necessary to understand ways in which language interacts with gender/sex in various settings, including: media, schools, business, in places of worship and at home. The book is divided into two parts. Part I explores the historical background to the study of gender and language, moving through past theoretical approaches and debates to current views and trends. In Part II, gender and language use are examined in various contexts, specifically in the media, in classrooms, in the workplace, in the Western church, and at home.


Each chapter offers study questions and further reading suggestions. There is also a helpful glossary of key terms at the back of the book. A Beginner’s Guide to Language and Gender is designed to be appealing, informative and, above all, accessible for readers from a range of backgrounds and disciplines. “Allyson Jule’s book on gender and language use is an engaging introduction to key concepts, developments and debates in the field of gender and language studies. First-time students of gendered language use will find its glossary, study questions and bibliography helpful entry points into this field. Jule’s survey of gendered language use in context provides a foundation for, and will hopefully inspire, further study of gender and language use. For Jule does not only provide an introduction to gender and language studies in this book; she explains why such studies matter.” Kate Power, Doctoral candidate, Lancaster University, UK


“This book offers a compact, accessible, up-to-the-minute introduction to a range of hot topics in language and gender. The reflective, critical lens makes this a valuable text both for undergraduates and for experienced teachers enrolled in MA degrees.” Janet Holmes, Professor of Linguistics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


“This book provides an accessible and wide-ranging introduction to the ever-popular topic of Language and Gender, exploring the fascinating links between language, gender and identity.” Jennifer Coates, Professor of English Language & Linguistics, Roehampton University, UK


Language and Religious Identity: Women in Discourse

In a search for a deeper understanding of the complex relationship of gender and language alongside religious identity, this book puts forward current studies from around the world emerging from the field of linguistics. The book connects language use to both a religious and gender identity.


By pulling together the lived experiences of people in various communities, the linguistic field can reflect on how language works to unite, oppress, liberate or fracture the various participants.


Gender and the Language of Religion

Gender and the Language of Religion is a collection of fourteen innovative research papers by scholars from around the world. Each contributor explores themes of gender, language and religion allowing for a reflection on how these elements work alongside each other in complimentary and contradictory ways.


Issues Explored:


Assertive, articulate and Islamic at the same time? How do British Muslim women online debunk negative stereotypes?

Hindu’s ‘ideal husband,’ the god Ram, requires his wife to walk through fire. How do religious traditions shape a gendered-self and how is this reflected in the language?

How do Saudi Arabian women talk religion in letters to the newspaper editor?

Why are female Evangelical college students so quiet?

Is feminism a core of Biblical revelation?

Who swears more – women or men? Why?


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